Скрипторий: Summon elemental herald (rage of elements) - pf2.ru

Скрипторий: Spell - summon elemental herald (rage of elements)

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Spell - summon elemental herald (rage of elements)

Summon Elemental Herald 3
Spell 8
Source Rage of Elements
Traditions arcane, divine, primal
Spell List elemental
Cast 3
Range 100 feet
Duration until the end of your next turn
Your meditation into the different elemental planes connects you to them deeply, and this connection allows you to summon a herald of an elemental lord. The herald arrives in the form of a natural disaster centralized on your enemies. The herald occupies the space of a Huge creature. When you Cast this Spell, choose one of the elemental heralds below to summon; if you're a divine spellcaster who worships an elemental lord, you must choose the option matching your deity's element. This spell gains the trait ( air, earth, fire, metal, water, or wood) matching your choice.
  • Air Speed fly 60 feet; Arrive ( air) Supercell Front The herald of air arrives in the form of a twisting tornado, with high-speed winds slamming into your enemies. Each enemy in a 100-foot emanation takes 10d8 bludgeoning damage with a basic Fortitude save; Depart ( air) Twister Downdraft Each enemy in a 60-foot line must attempt a Fortitude save. A creature that fails is knocked prone if it's on the ground or descends 40 feet if it's in the air. A creature that descends takes falling damage if this forced movement brings it to the ground.
  • Earth Speed 50 feet, burrow 30 feet; Arrive ( earth) Tectonic Rise The herald of earth erupts from the ground, splitting it open in a 50-foot emanation. Each enemy in the emanation takes 10d6 slashing damage from the flying debris with a basic Reflex save. Enemies who critically fail fall 30 feet into the crevasse, taking falling damage (the sides of the fissure require successful DC 15 Athletics checks to Climb); Depart ( sonic) Plate Crash The herald of earth sinks back into the ground, and the sides of the crevasse slam together with a deafening blow, dealing 5d10 sonic damage with a basic Fortitude save to all enemies in a 30-foot emanation. An enemy that critically fails is deafened for 10 minutes.
  • Fire Speed 60 feet, fly 40 feet; Arrive ( fire) Magma Flow The herald of fire flows into the area as living magma, dealing 10d6 fire damage and 3d6 persistent fire damage to all enemies in a 60-foot emanation with a basic Reflex save; Depart ( fire) Flame Vortex Each enemy in a 60-foot line takes 6d6 fire damage and 3d6 persistent fire damage with a basic Reflex save as the fire herald whips into a fire pillar before vanishing.
  • Metal Speed 50 feet, fly 50 feet; Arrive ( metal) Shard Cloud The herald of metal arrives as a cloud of metal shards and static electricity, dealing 4d8 slashing damage and 4d12 electricity damage to all enemies in a 50-foot emanation with a basic Reflex save; Depart ( metal) Rust Mist The shards in the cloud rapidly rust and cling to enemies in the 50-foot emanation, dealing 10d6 damage to metal creatures and objects in the area with a basic Reflex save, ignoring Hardness. Unattended objects automatically critically fail this save.
  • Water Speed 40 feet, swim 60 feet; Arrive ( cold, water) Hurricane Formation The herald of water forms as a miniature hurricane. Each enemy in a 60-foot emanation takes 4d10 bludgeoning damage from the slamming rains and 4d10 cold damage from the falling hail with a basic Fortitude save; Depart ( cold, water) Cataclysmic Deluge The hurricane collapses into a rushing flood, dealing 6d8 bludgeoning damage to all enemies in a 120-foot cone with a basic Fortitude save. A creature that fails its save is pushed 20 feet away from the herald (or 40 feet on a critical failure).
  • Wood Speed 50 feet, burrow 30 feet; Arrive ( plant, wood) Advantageous Roots The herald of wood bursts forth from the ground as a complex root system. Each enemy in a 50-foot emanation takes 6d10 piercing damage with a basic Reflex save as the roots skewer its limbs and body. Each enemy that fails its save takes a –10-foot status penalty to its Speeds until the herald departs; Depart ( plant, wood) Retreat to Soil The roots retreat into the ground, dealing 6d10 piercing damage to each enemy in a 50-foot emanation with a basic Reflex save. Any creature with a penalty to Speeds from its initial save automatically takes 2d6 persistent bleed damage. The ground in the emanation is difficult terrain after the roots retreat.